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Главная » 2009 » Сентябрь » 29 » ОТ 'ЭКТОМОРФА' К 'МЕЗОМОРФУ' : ЭВОЛЮЦИЯ В НАБОРЕ ВЕСА
Год назад я пошёл в поликлинику. Кстати, не забывай, что я не культурист (я - ЛИФТЁР!). Доктор послушал мою грудь, попросил снять майку и ... следующие двадцать минут я провёл, отвечая на его вопросы о тренировках со штангой. Доктор был сухощавый малый, помню, напоследок он мне сказал: "да, это здорово... но вам, мезоморфам, занятия со штангой даются намного легче."

Услышав эти слова, я чуть не упал с кушетки от смеха. Я всегда ношу с собой фотографию, где мы с женой изображены в день свадьбы. Я там похож на рельс, несмотря на то, что к тому моменту у меня за плечами были 12 месяцев тренировок. Я объяснил доктору всё подробно, сказав, что я начал заниматься с весом 54,5 кг при росте 176,5 кг. Руки у меня тогда были 22,5 см. Доктор, наконец, узрел свет, и объяснил мне про меняющуюся толщину костей, как я тебе и сказал.
Всё, что у меня осталось от эктоморфа - это то, что я ОЧЕНЬ быстро теряю форму, когда не тренируюсь. Если я не появляюсь в зале 3 недели, то я теряю в окружности рук более сантиметра, а в массе более 5-ти килограмм, вне зависимости от того, как я ем.

Давай набросаем план, как тебе из эктоморфа стать мезоморфом:

1. Прежде чем делать что-либо другое, построй сначала основание...

а) Научись тренировать свой аппетит также, как и тело. Ты постепенно должен стать прожорливым, как голодная акула. Если не можешь съесть нужное количество калорий, то пей их! Ешь столько протеина, сколько влезет! Умножь свой вес в кг на 2,25 и получишь количество белка (в граммах), которое ты должен съедать ежедневно. Умножь свой вес в кг на 20. Видишь цифру? Ты должен есть калорий намного больше этой цифры.

б) Забудь о том, что каждой мышце соответствует конкретное упражнение. Ты должен тренировать "ГРУДЬ", а не "Малые или большие грудные мышцы". Ты должен тренировать "НОГИ", а не "квадрицепсы или бицепсы бёдер"... или, не дай бог, vastus medialis. Тебе нужно тренировать "СПИНУ", а не "широчайшие и ромбовидные". Забудь, что у тебя есть "передние, боковые и задние дельты" - у тебя есть только "ПЛЕЧИ". На каждую такую область тела нужно делать лишь ОДНО упражнение или даже ОДНО УПРАЖНЕНИЕ на НЕСКОЛЬКО частей тела! Приседания, становая тяга, тяга в наклоне, подтягивания, жим, отжимания, жим стоя. Забудь об остальных упражнениях. Количество выбранных упражнений должно быть ОГРАНИЧЕНО. Количество сетов в каждом упражнении постепенно своди к МИНИМУМУ, но занимайся так, чтобы неподготовленные люди при виде твоей тренировке испытывали шок. Каждое упражнение нужно делать один или два раза в неделю не более чем в 1-2 сетах.

2. Направляй свои усилия прежде всего на тренировку ног, ягодиц и спины. Почему? Потому что мышцы этих частей тела составляют большую часть массы всего тела. Тренируя эти большие мышцы, мы получаем анаболический эффект, распространяющий на всё тело и приводящий к росту всех мышц. А рост, верь мне, должен быть твоей единственной заботой в течение очень долгого времени.

3. Забудь о жире. Ты всегда сможешь его сбросить позже. Конечно, не стоит жиреть очень уж сильно, ведь это вредно для здоровья. Но если ты думаешь, что ты сможешь накачать "сухую массу", то в результате ты можешь набрать к концу года 2,5 кг массы, в то время как мог бы набрать 72,5 кг за три года (у Джона МакКаллума это получилось.. у тебя тоже может получиться!).

4. Отныне твой словарный запас в зале должен состоять лишь из пяти слов:
1) Приседания или становая тяга;
2) протеин;
3) калории;
4) сон;
5) прогресс.

5. Скажу о прогрессе: Ты ничего не добьёшься, если твои рабочие веса не повышаются. Прогрессировать можно по-разному, выбери свой способ и вложи в него всю душу! Если ты ешь достаточно калорий и протеина, то на КАЖДОЙ тренировке ты сможешь добавлять к своей штанге небольшой довесок.


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198 Frankplums  
Producing small patios in highland areas requires a meticulous approach to space utilization, considering the unique challenges displayed by the alpine terrain. The method involves various strategies, ranging from the choosing of compact furnishing to the incorporation of dual-purpose elements, all focused on optimizing the potential of constrained areas. Engaging in talks that explore specific design concepts, creative organizational solutions, and sharing individual triumphs turns into a source of inspiration for community participants seeking to enhance their compact deck spaces amidst the characteristic landscapes of highland locations.

Choosing compact furniture stands as a fundamental aspect of designing small decks, allowing people to make the most of the accessible area without sacrificing on function or aesthetics. integrating dual-purpose elements further enhances the flexibility of little deck spaces, offering useful solutions that cater to varied needs. These approaches collectively contribute to a holistic method that takes into account both the aesthetics and practicality of tiny decks in highland parts.

Participating in discussions that explore particular design concepts becomes a trigger for creativity, providing a platform for people to swap innovative notions and solutions tailored to alpine environments. The dialogue extends to creative organizational solutions, addressing the challenge of constrained space with practical and aesthetically pleasing methods to organization. Individual success stories shared within the society become precious narratives, illustrating the feasibility and capacity of optimizing small deck spaces in the special context of alpine regions.

Throughout this joint return, community participants gain valuable insights and a abundance of ideas to apply to their own small deck projects, making sure that every single inch of space is carefully employed in generating practical, visually appealing, and efficient backyard living areas in highland situations.

[URL=https://fortcollinsdecks.com/contact/ - Patio renovation professionals in Colorado

197 HenryMeert  
Acquiring the assistance of a disability attorney for claims related to disabilities in the city of Albuquerque possesses enormous importance. People who seek the help of a lawyer specializing in disabilities in disability court trials can obtain countless positive aspects and priceless support in the procedure for disability claims. These legal professionals have the required competencies, understanding, and expertise to efficiently traverse the complications of the law system and advocate for their clients' optimal welfare.

One of the main responsibilities of a lawyer for disabled individuals in disability court trials requires expertly directing and overseeing the court proceedings. Lawyers for disabled individuals stand out at maneuvering the subtleties of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be daunting for those not familiar with the judicial system. By employing the aid of a lawyer for disabled individuals, individuals with disabilities substantially enhance their probability of success in courts dealing with disabilities.

Throughout disability claims court proceedings, a disability attorney plays a pivotal and engaged part in providing essential support. They vigorously collaborate with clients in compiling and submitting disability claims applications, petitions, and pleas, streamlining the method and guaranteeing all required documentation is precisely submitted. Additionally, lawyers for disabled individuals provide critical assistance during court proceedings related to disabilities, utilizing their specialist knowledge of laws pertaining to disabilities and guidelines to provide guidance, advice, and strategic representation.

The positive aspects of acquiring a lawyer for disabled individuals for disability claims are diverse. These lawyers supply knowledgeable guidance and advice, equipping their clients with a upper hand in court proceedings related to disabilities. Through their in-depth knowledge of the lawful environment, attorneys specializing in disabilities can effectively sail through the complicated structure of guidelines and statutes regulating disability claims, guaranteeing that their clients' privileges are protected and their utmost interests are represented.

Moreover, lawyers for disabled individuals simplify the process of claiming disabilities, relieving the pressure on individuals with disabilities. They serve as supporters, coordinating with administrative bodies, insurance providers, and other pertinent individuals on behalf of their clients. This comprehensive assistance allows individuals with disabilities to direct on their well-being and personal matters, being aware that their disability claims are being managed with utmost care and attention to detail.

In the setting of disability claims in Albuquerque, it is critical to recognize the distinctive proficiency provided by attorneys specializing in social security. These legal professionals concentrate on social security laws and guidelines, making them highly valuable benefits for individuals pursuing social security disability entitlements. Social security lawyers possess extensive expertise of the detailed rules and procedures governing social security disability claims, enabling them to provide customized advice and guidance to their clients.

By securing a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities gain access to a abundance of assets and aid. These attorneys serve as committed champions, diligently advocating for their clients' rights and entitlements. Disability attorneys comprehend the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and work diligently to assure they get the entitlements for disabled individuals they are entitled to.

In conclusion, the choice to acquire a disability attorney is a vital one for individuals with disabilities looking for disability benefits in the city of Albuquerque. These lawyers play a key role in simplifying the legal proceedings, maximizing the likelihood of success in court proceedings related to disabilities, and offering expert guidance and advice tailored to their clients' unique conditions.

https://www.disabilityalbuquerque.com - Insights from local psychological handicap attorneys for knowledgeable decisions

196 CarmelaLom  
Matthew Michael D'Agati functions as the proprietor of Renewables Worldwide, a alternative energy Firm in MA.

A couple of time period ago, embarking on a leap of faith, Matt D'Agati delved into the world of solar, furthermore in a instant started successfully selling significant amounts of power, mainly in the corporate sector, collaborating with developers of solar farms and local businesses in the "planning" of their unique initiatives.

Consistent network within the firm, led Matthew to connect a neighborhood startup two long time prior, and in no time, he became their Chief Strategy Officer, overseeing all procedures and businesses advancement, in addition to being granted social group possession.

Through tactical close ties and shear operate moral principle, Matt D'Agati brought that business from a modest starting-year salary to over a 205% build up in crying sales revenue by entire year two. Building on that basis, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), a expert-held company, was developed with business of offering sustainable power tips for a more intelligent and more renewable future.

More primarily, realizing there is a specific market in the market place and a better way to realize gains, RW’s is one of the few agencies in the United States to concentrate on buyers acquiring, focusing in both industrial and domestic solar panels village off-take. The visualization is to develop a commissions substructure on a local, regional, countrywide level, offering various replenish-able electricity products just in the of Renewables Worldwide, Inc..

This enthusiasm in some sort of alternative sector keeps to arouse and motivate Matthew in moving forward his solicit to work with groups that communicate the aforesaid of giving limitless strength remedies for a other advantageous forthcoming. Matthew enjoys that in company from a business program at Hesser College.

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195 Delbertpef  

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194 Jamesrusty  
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193 Frankplums  
Lifting up mountainous deck spaces with the integration of greenery through planters introduces a balanced touch of nature to alpine living. Engaging in discussions that delve into the different types of plants thriving in alpine environments, exploring suitable container options, and considering design factors serves as an motivating guide for community participants looking to enrich their outdoor spaces with colorful greenery. By sharing individual anecdotes with flowerpots for decks and offering care suggestions, the community fosters a vibrant dialogue centered around creating inviting and lush highland deck landscapes.

Delving into the specifics of plant varieties that flourish in alpine conditions becomes a crucial aspect of this dialogue, shedding light on the special characteristics that make them well-suited to alpine environments. Exploring various planter options opens avenues for creativity, allowing individual persons to align their choices with the overall design aesthetics of their mountainous decks. Talks on design aspects, encompassing factors such as arrangement and placement, provide useful insights for making visually interesting and natural deck landscapes.

The collaborative exchange of individual anecdotes with flowerpots for decks becomes a source of creative inspiration, offering useful insights into the challenges and victories of nurturing greenery in mountainous settings. Upkeep advice shared within the group contribute to a shared understanding of how to ensure the endurance and vigor of mountainous deck landscapes. Through this exchange, community participants embark on a exploration of transforming their exteriors into inviting vacations that effortlessly mix the style of nature with the special allure of alpine living.

[URL=https://fortcollinsdecks.com/services/ - Wood deck reconstruction for a fresh look

192 Jeffreyfusia  
driving while intoxicated laws as part of Ohio might be complex, only it's important to have actually a good understanding of all of them if we find yourself bills. Operating under really influence (DUI) looks a serious law-breaking which can come with substantial ramifications on any life. In Ohio, ones legal threshold for blood stream alcohol content (BAC) is 8 percentfor nearly all motorists and four % commercial drivers.

If you have been stopped by law police and suspected of dwi, they may undertake roadside temperance exams or substance tests, these types of seeing as breathalyzer or blood flow investigations, to ascertain the level of damage. Declining many of these tests can lead to automatic penalties, including license suspension.

ovi criminal acts in Ohio lug various consequences, based upon on variables which include before judgment of conviction, BAC quality, furthermore regardless indeed there appeared to be an mishap or accidental injury associated. Effects can add charges, license temporary removal, vital alcohol healing services, test period, and consistent offender time. Duplicate crimes and annoyed instances can result in more dangerous penalties.

Achieving a experienced DUI safeguard attorney is crucial to navigate the difficulties of Ohio drunk driving laws. They should examine the proof of, dare the legalization of the limit, concern the exactness of investigations, and check out potential defenses to help extenuate the charges. Plus, an attorney can point you from the constitutional process, making sure our right are safeguarded and touting for the top a possibility direct result.

Remember, being told all about Ohio's DUI regulations and in search of the support of an encountered barrister are very important actions in successfully taking care of a DUI rate furthermore safeguarding our possible future.


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